
Becoming a Visit Northumberland partner gives you a range of benefits which can help you promote, engage and attract visitors to your business. When you sign up you will automatically sign up to some core benefits.

Available to all partners (Standard to Premium)

Partner Benefits

Northumberland representation at local, regional and national level

Ensuring that Northumberland has a strong voice

Regular partner e-newsletter

Keep up to date with funding opportunities, training courses, press call outs & more

Visit Northumberland Partners Community on Facebook

Closed group where we’ll post any last-minute updates and you can network virtually with other businesses

Headline data & trend updates from our business barometer

Each quarter we will ask you to complete our business survey and will circulate a summary of the headline data and trends

Signpost to training and funding opportunities

Stay up to date with all opportunities for you and your business

Access to Visit Northumberland partner logo

Proudly display the Visit Northumberland partner logo on your website and other marketing material

Invite to networking events

Throughout the year there will be a series of networking events both virtual and in person

Promotion through Tourist Information Centre Network

Northumberland TIC staff will have your details available to pass on to visitors when they make enquiries

Preferential access to enrol on ‘Know your Northumberland’

An initiative to improve and develop the skills and knowledge of staff working at visitor serving businesses across the county

Opportunity to buy into additional print & digital marketing

Offering great opportunities for you to further enhance your profile

Access to webinar programme / industry skills workshops

Regular series of webinars and workshops on a wide range of topics

Partner exclusive discounts

Specially negotiated discounts provided by Visit Northumberland partners and suppliers


Booking platform to increase visibility by connecting to a range of distribution channels

Inclusion in funded projects

Opportunities to be part of funded campaigns

B2B Website

Links to projects/product development

Visit Northumberland App

Add your business details to the VN app